About Us

Our mission is to lead innovation and research in ophthalmology and other areas to improve the quality of life.

We are dedicated to transforming scientific discoveries into practical and sustainable solutions that benefit society.


FRI (Fundación Retina Investigación) has as its main focus to carry out research and innovation projects together with the most prestigious cutting-edge centers in the world.  

  • R & D & I

    We develop and participate in scientific research processes focused on new procedures, drugs, instruments, or other means that seek to prevent or cure eye diseases and other medical conditions.

  • Continuing Education

    Our commitment to clinical excellence extends through specialized training in multiple areas of ophthalmology. With the supervision of highly qualified professionals, you learn by effectively performing the task for which you are training.

  • Social Commitment

    Both research and training are aimed at improving the quality of life of the community in which we live. FRI promotes an environment where professionals, patients and families interact collaboratively.